Featured Speakers & Topics Gallery

Topic of the Week:

Topic of the Week:
Monday, April 26th, 2021.
ALL Creatives are welcome in this Open Mic Night where any -and every- thing is on the stage. Share your triumphs and tragedies, goals, experiences, dream gear, or even just to check in and say "hey!" to other people and network!
Bring some friends along who are willing to elevate the conversation tonight at 9 pm (cst) on Clubhouse! Talk soon!
Resources & helpful
Our Creative Community functions courtesy of those adding value to it and this is where the resources and information for some of those contributing to the Photography Social KC will be made readily available to you! Each Featured Speaker will have a Spotlight where we detail aspects of their respective expertise and various levels of mastery. Get acquainted with each and feel free to reach out if you have any questions, wish to give props for their awesome work, or to potentially consider collaborating with them.

Featured Speaker:
Featured Speaker
Leslie Hacker
Monday, March 8th, 2021.
Introducing our first ever Featured Speaker Spotlight! Give a warm welcome to the amazing Leslie Hacker!
Modeling in Weddings, Boudoir, Nude, clothing, jewelry, and runway campaigns as she slays along the way!
We're happy you came by today at Photography Social so be sure to check back in soon for more details regarding our Featured Speakers and their body of work.
Be sure to check in often and we'll talk Monday night!